30 September 2005

Clothes make the wo... er, frustration

Like in the realm of thinner folk, there's lots of diversity in zaftig bodies and style preferences. I find this particularly frustrating given the paltry amount of stores that do exclusively fat clothing because - in my personal experience - finding a store...

1) where the clothes suit and fit my body type
2) which offers the style(s) I like
3) and that I can afford

...I'm pretty much left with about two articles of clothing that are suitable from each vendor. Granted, this wasn't as much of a problem when I wore sizes below 26. It seems like the higher the size, the less chance of a good fit and excellent style -- and that just plain wrong if you ask me!

Of course, I admit that my body is probably alien in comparison to the women's size fit models, no matter what size I'm at. I have huge boobs, an upper torso that has seen trimmer days but is still not in proportion to the rack, a bulbous lower belly (a "second butt" as my sisters and I used to call our lovely family trait), not massive legs, a 29" inseam, and oh, did I mention no ass whatsoever? My different proportions range from size 22 to 26, and I'm somewhere between a petite pant length (which shrink to high-waters after first washing) and average length (which I can wear with heels).

Let me hear you say this shit is frustrating... f-r-u-s-t-r-a-t-i-n-g... I said, THIS SHIT IS FRUSTRATING! F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-I-N-G!

As badly as I'd like to spill what does work for me from the various vendors, it's kinda pointless because of aforementioned diversity. But, maybe I'll mention one little thing...

After two seasons full of "bootleg cut" jeans that really ought to be labeled "straight leg" -- and yes, I realize that straight leg is making a comeback, unfortunately for us fuller figured -- I was pleased as punch to find the newish line of jeans designed by Jessica Simpson, sold exclusively at Avenue. They hug, but don't cup, the 2nd butt! The thighs are more narrow, but the fit grazes over the fat rather than squeezes it! And the wonderful calf area/hems are a TRUE bootcut slash flare.

Praise the fashion goddesses and gods!

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