15 March 2007

Hair powder: wow!

[Preface: I'm posting this because hair issues are universal. Or maybe I just want to shout from yet another rooftop because my enthusiam knows no boundaries.]

Omigawd, who the hell knew that hair powder actually worked? Bumble and bumble, I love you! More than usual! Which is saying a lot, actually, given that I use approximately eight of your hair products on a regular basis!

I used it for the first time this morning, when I was running too late to work to be able to condition and blow-dry effectively. It comes out in a blast so strong that I thought the stream of powder was going to bore through my scalp. Note to self: take their clever instruction of "Keep your distance! 10-12 inches at least!" seriously.

After a thorough spritz on the greasiest portions of my hair, I brushed it through and VOILA! My hair looked clean once again. In fact, maybe I will never wash my head again.

Not only does it dry cleanse, but it creates a bit 'o' volume on fine hair due to the added texture, and apparently you can also use it for "no slip updo's".

Bumble and bumble hair powder, you are my bitch lover.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

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