I've been in purging mode lately: cutting my hair shorter, getting rid of clothes, shoes and accessories that I no longer wear or care for, and even cutting out some friendships that I felt were not doing my soul good. I declared just after the new year that instead of making resolutions that I'd pick a word of the year, which ended up being "risk". And so, in the interest of purging and of risk, I've decided to close down and call it a day.
Questioning fat bias is something that I'll always be interested in and working towards, but it's no longer something that I wish to write about on a regular basis. (Well, I always had the best intentions to write on a regular, at least weekly, basis. That counts, right??) I also have quibbles with the fat acceptance movement that have been percolating in the background for awhile now, sometimes alluded to or noted in past posts. In general I'm a skeptical and critical person when it comes to groups based on an ideology, and this is no exception. For instance, Health At Every Size (HAES) is something I believe in, but you won't find me signing a pledge.
My own journey of body acceptance has been riddled with peaks and valleys, potholes and unexpected slippery surfaces. In order to continue, I need to purge the idea that losing weight is succumbing to the enemy, and I need to risk that I can find my way without writing long blog posts to no one in particular in cyberspace. It's time to turn inward and figure some shit out on the pages of my own journal.
To anyone out there who has regularly visited (Ranthropologist in particular), thank you for taking the time to surf here and read my thoughts on the topic of fat!
Zaftig Chick